Recommend Plugins

General Infomation

We recommend using the Fast Velocity Minify and WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache plugins to boost your site performance. Excluding pages from the cache If using caching plugins, make sure you exclude the following pages from the cache through their respective settings panels: Cart My Account Checkout Wishlist These pages need to stay dynamic since they...

Fast Velocity Minify

This plugin reduces HTTP requests by merging CSS & Javascript files into groups of files, while attempting to use the least amount of files as possible. It minifies CSS and JS files with PHP Minify (no extra requirements). Please check this for more details. You can use this plugin with WP...

WP Super Cache

This plugin is very fast caching plugin for WordPress. Please reference here for more details. You can use this plugin with Fast Velocity Minify plugin. Please install and activate WP Super Cache plugin. Please go Settings > WP Super Cache on admin sidebar. Please configure the Easy, Advanced, CDN, Contents, Preload, Plugins, Debug sections. Please...

W3 Total Cache

This plugin is the most highly rated and most complete WordPress performance plugin. It dramatically improve the speed and user experience of your site. It adds browser, page, object and database caching as well as minifing and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress. Please reference here for more details. Please install and activate W3...